Self Care in Unsettling Times
Love is contagious.
• CALM/ Begin and end the day with a centering prayer or meditation.
• BREATHE/ Strengthen your lungs, feed your cells with oxygen and give your nervous system a hug with a breath work routine. We love @wimhof's method, which also helps bolster the immune system if you combine the breath with the cold therapy.
• CONNECT/ Stay connected with friends and loved ones with a real-time phone call or video time.
• MOVE + PLAY/ Let's move each day, whether rebounding, at home yoga, dancing, online classes, etc. If you are in an area where you can get outside, jog, walk or hike, and breathe fresh air — celebrate nature.
• CREATE/ Tap into this magic time to channel any new feelings, and write, paint, photograph, plan projects, cleanse + rearrange your space.
• RITUALS/ Baths can help calm anxiety in our minds and bodies. Fill the tub, add your favorite essential oils, along with some epsom salts or magnesium flakes, play some beautiful music, light a candle, and soak — water is so healing.
• SLEEP + REST/ To fully reap the benefits: No blue light (TV, phone, computer) 2 hours prior to bedtime, make sure your room is completely dark or use a sleep mask, utilize magnesium if needed, keep temperatures on the cooler side, and try to go to bed and wake the same time every day.